
ADDIMER 221N液体的地板抛光剂案例

阅读次数:1899 - 发布时间:2019/6/24 10:22:10

ADDIMER 221N液体的地板抛光剂案例,包括配方、生产环境与效果等。

Liquide floor for a hard protective film and a high gloss

6.0 % ADDIMER ® 221N

2.5 % hard microcrystalline wax

1.0 % soft microcrystalline wax

3.0 % Paraffin 52/54

25.0 % White spirit (to the wax)

62.5 % White spirit, cold


Heat the waxes together with 25 parts by weight white spirit to about 110 °C. Stir the clear solution into the cold solvent (agitation).


Floor polish in solid or liquid form is also used as a protective coating. It consists of a dispersion of wax in solvent, usually white spirit. It has a good cleaning action, must be buffed after drying and can only be used on solvent-resistant floorings such as wood and stone.

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上一篇:ADDIMER 221N汽车抛光剂案例

ADDIMER 221N汽车抛光剂案例,包括配方、生产环境与效果等。Car polishes (paint care) without abrasive2.0 % ADDIMER ® 221N0.5 % soft microcrystalline wax0.3 % Coconut fatty amine or Coconut fatty amine oleate3.0 % Sili

下一篇:Addimer 221N脱模剂案例

Addimer 221N脱模剂案例,包括了脱模剂配方、生产环境与效果。Release agent10 % ADDIMER ® 221N90 % white spiritPreparation:Melt the wax and one third of the white spirit up to approx. 120°C and add the rest cool solvent


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